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Lex Digital
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oooStaring from the window he could only see the mist accumulating on the deepest parts of the city, glowing with multiple hues as the floating monorail system ran between buildings. Urgot was sitting in his towering office chair, his headrest situated almost two meters above the floor of the room. His one still human, amethyst purple eye contemplated the city through the glass, locating each and every place where those who would oppose him held their parties, living their corrupted lives as they plotted ways to eliminate him once and for all. The white walls of his office reflected the colorful lights to his body, exalting it and creating a flurry of dancing shadows around him.oooSuch a spectacle only made him look more dissonant; like finding a human carcass under the sunlight. His skin was darker, almost gray and the face that once inspired respect now only created fear in both his business partners and enemies. His voice sounded almost warped, nightmarish in nature and devoid of everything that made it human; time and the experiments had certainly taken a toll on him… changing the purpose in his actions almost completely. The luminous chaos seemed to stop for a moment, as one weak and white reflection rested on his hand. He turned it around and closed his eyes; he could still hear her voice and the rushing steps through the hallway. For a second, he almost could feel her soft touch caressing his skin.oooUrgot snapped back to reality, angered at himself for allowing his mind to be distracted from the true goal; purging this city of all those who had betrayed him. This pale imitation that he saw wasn’t the woman he once loved. She, like everything else, was taken from him, he hadn't room nor time for trivial matters like love and mercy. The organization he once worked as an Executive Officer of, a group of mercenaries dedicated to control and research known only as "The Company", had
taught him this fact very clearly.
oooThey gave him a new path to follow; his new found determination to exterminate the remaining officers of The Company and to subjugate the rest and make them loyal to him. His personal units searched for him after they'd learned of his escape, assuring their loyalty to him. It was only a matter of time until the others followed suit. Urgot lifted himself from the chair; looking at him now, you would never think he was once a normal man. His lower body now replaced with 6 imposing mechanical legs, each armed with weapons so deadly they'd be enough to make even the most hardened mercenaries shudder in fear. On top of these, he was also equipped with a rocket launcher, capable of evaporating iron walls with extreme heat, and his preferred method of destruction. A thing so cruel, those who saw it and lived to tell the tale were left mentally broken and under a constant and deep dread; a cyber empowered drill that pulled anyone in its path into an infinite curling mass of heat emanating blades, causing a fast albeit messy death. He didn’t want to become part of those experiments, but The Company held hostage one of the only people that he'd ever truly cared for.oooAs he opened the door, the empty streets far below laid silent. There was a calm breeze running between the tall buildings, caressing softly the only half of his face that remained human; once again reminding him of her gentle touch. That night… he remembered everything clearly as the lights surrounding him, and how their lives were separated, forever. 5 long years had gone by since the day of the first experiment. After a failure by one of the units Urgot managed, an emergency meeting was held that included each of the Executive Officers of The Company. There were three others in that meeting: a tall sickly looking man named Raegon who particularly disliked the way Urgot did things, looking always for any opportunity to undermine him, a small but very intelligent woman called Eliza, a cold minded officer who rose fast through the ranks thanks to her ability to reach the goals, no matter the cost, and Markus, a mysterious man who only seemed to hold such a prestigious position because of some unknown ties to the"You know our philosophy here at The Company, Urgot '' mentioned Raegon with a sly smirk.oooUrgot felt a sudden disgust coming from his stomach, feeding into his"You already know that we, the command chain, receive the full force of the… failures of our underlings, " continued Raegon, smiling with mockery and looking at Urgots’"Failure?!" retorted Urgot, standing slightly, slamming the table with one of his open hands, "I would hardly call it a failure, if our mark hadn't been tipped off somehow, I assure you Raegon... the operation would have gone as flawlessly as every other under my leadership"oooUrgot sat back in his chair, his eyes piercing into Raegon as he scowled across the"Ah… but it didn’t go flawlessly as you mentioned, did it Urgot, " said Eliza from across the room, trying to get under his skin "Infact, as a direct result of your failures we may very well have to abandon the mark, the very thing your team had been tasked to recover, altogether. It’s the first time an objective has ever escaped our hands… and maybe it’s time to set a precedent for such mishaps."ooo"I agree entirely with you, Eliza" responded Raegon as his smirk evolved into a menacing grin. "Urgot, are you suggesting that we didn’t dump enough resources and firepower into this operation ? If so… maybe we need an upgrade to our arsenal" - continued Raegon, tapping the table with his long boney fingers in a light rhythm.oooAn eerie silence briefly filled the air, until it was cut by Markus. Everyone eyed him,
as his deep and clear voice filled the room.
ooo"What exactly are you proposing, Raegon?" asked Markus, very curious about the"Ah, I’m glad someone asked, '' answered Raegon, with an obvious excitement in his voice "We've been working on some more… experimental cybernetic enhancements for the underlings, but as you can probably guess they need a stronger host."ooo"You really have gone senile if you think that I'll be your guinea pig!" snarled Urgot as he stood up, clenching his fist in front of him.oooThe initial oppressive ambiance of the room quickly became heated and tense, tempers were at risk of boiling"Every person that we've allowed you to enhance in your 'laboratory', came out mad or ended up blowing their brains out shortly after. I WILL NOT be part of your experiments" - continued Urgot, glancing at Raegon, who was laughing behind his teeth.oooUpon hearing this, Markus leaned back into his seat, his amber eyes glaring at Urgot. He paused for a moment before letting out a"No, actually I think it's a good idea, Urgot. If the other officers are in agreement, we'd like you to accept the proposal for the next generation of cybernetic enhancements. Knowing Raegon's knowledge about weaponry advancements and procedures with augments, they will be the best assets that our money can buy, after all we have to appease our investors and stop more of this… - Markus' explanation was cut short by Urgot, visibly furious at what he was"WHAT PART OF NO ISN’T SINKING INTO YOUR EMPTY SKULL, MARKUS, " shouted Urgot enraged, slamming his fist on the table and cracking a part of it in the process "I WON’T LET THIS MADMAN TOUCH ME…" continued Urgot, before being interrupted himself by the asserting and serious voice of"It's not up for discussion, Urgot," stated Markus, trying to de-escalate the situation. "If you refuse, we will be forced to use your… collateral instead. Who knows, maybe the life support substance that we have injected into her veins to keep her heart pumping also helps her… resist the pain of the procedure. She probably doesn’t need her arms either, as she is immobilized in that tiny claustrophobic chamber."oooUrgot paused for a moment, feeling as if he couldn’t breathe for a second. Such a pitiful manipulation… no, he couldn't allow himself to show any further emotion. Her state was already dire, she was on the verge of life, coming in and out of consciousness. He would rather die himself than allow her to be subjected to more pain and"Fine, I'll do it. But these enhancements better be worth it, or you'll be MY first test subject for them" responded Urgot, sitting down and looking at"Excellent!" exclaimed Raegon, as he practically leapt out of his chair "I'll get everything prepared at once. I shall expect you in Cyblab-11 shortly" he slinked eagerly out of the room, towards his cyberlab.oooThis place didn’t look like any lab in the building; you could easily call it a torture chamber as much as a cybernetic"I'm looking forward to your… continued success, Urgot" said Eliza, chuckling to herself as she rested her arms on the table by the elbows, putting her head in between her"Go to hell, Eliza, although it probably would feel like home to you." grunted Urgot, as he stood from his seat. Just as he was leaving the room, Markus called out to"Urgot, good luck with the experiments. I am confident that you and Raegon will make this little project a success."oooThis comment annoyed Urgot and Markus knew it. There was no such thing as luck or destiny, but the results and actions of man. One thing was obvious to him; something or someone had made his unit fail the task, and it was a truth that one of these bastards had set him up for this situation, he just needed proof. As he walked through the hallways, he felt that everyone was watching him; mercenaries, workers and test subjects, all scared of him... or maybe they feared the place that he was walking willingly towards.oooAs he stood in front of the grey metallic door, a sudden pain on his chest invaded him, his legs felt weak for a second. Why didn’t he go to her room first to see her, maybe, for the last time? It was HIS responsibility to protect her, but was this also her wish? As he was drowned in that turmoil, a voice echoed through his head; a voice familiar and soft that filled him with strength and"See you later, biggy."oooWith thoughts of her in mind, he pressed the button and entered the room, being surrounded by a green and reddish light. What happened over the next month is almost too horrifying to put into words. As he feared, this was but an excuse for Raegon to torture him without any consequence, treating him like a test subject for his twisted visions. He was injected with a strange red liquid full of nanotechnology that left his body unresponsive, but did nothing to take away his ability to feel pain. His left eye was poked out, replaced with an augmented one.oooOne at a time, his legs were severed just to fit his dangling and broken body into a strange machine. His flesh was burned, twisted, cut and welded with augments and biotechnology throughout his body, even down his throat and inside of his chest and core. He still had both arms, although one of them was heavily modified and the other was made for the only purpose of holding and controlling a gigantic heavy duty rotary machine gun. One day in that infinite month, he closed his eyes, wanting to scream because of the pain and even feeling scared, maybe for the first time in his entire life. Then he saw something strange; a woman in front of him, caressing his bloody face and crying, letting her teardrops fall on his face and chest. It felt… oddly soothing, but the woman was in deep sorrow. He tried to talk and the woman responded, as if they were connected... but soon after, her body started to fade away. Suddenly, free of his chains, they embraced in a hug that felt strangely more painful than the"Please, remember me, remember us. Don’t forget the good man you are," said the woman, before disappearing.oooRaegon stared at the half conscious Urgot through a large glass window, admiring his latest work as it hung slightly above a large platform within the test chamber. It was almost like a war machine, in fact, that is what he planned to make. After pondering to himself, Raegon decided to wake him up with an electric discharge, tuning all his new embodied systems at the same time. Surely, that would cause more extreme pain to his already wounded creation.oooUrgot came back to his senses, discovering that he couldn’t breathe properly as a result of what he'd been subjected to and, looking into the reflection on the glass he saw what he was now, wondering to himself if he could even be called human at this point. All of this, at least happened so she could be protected in the life support chamber, safe from any"Ah, finally awake, are you?" said Raegon as he fixed his creepy gaze upon Urgot’s new body, "you'll likely feel some discomfort for, well let’s be honest, the rest of your life... But it's all necessary for the benefit of The Company. I'm sure you'll agree."oooUrgot tried to focuse his attention on Raegon, but the intense pain all over his body caused him to involuntarily close his"Oh no, no. You can’t go to sleep yet, we have so much more to do!" asserted Raegon, getting closer to the control panel and hitting Urgot with another electric discharge.oooUrgot grunted, feeling the discharge in every part of his body, even the mechanical parts. He wasn’t himself anymore, just a machine, another test subject. Then, like a flash, he remembered about the strange dream he had and what the woman said to"How… is… she..?" asked Urgot, as he struggled to create words through the metal parts inside of"I expected this question… well, after all you didn’t go and see her, probably fuelled by your animosity against us, " mentioned Raegon, as he paced from side to side behind the glass window "If my calculations are correct, you dreamt about her, right? Did it feel real to you, did it trigger your senses, played with your feelings?" his mouth started to shape a mocking smile.oooThese words confused"You see, your new body parts are still in development. In fact, they are made to develop as the host does. For that specific reason, we needed a way to accelerate the process," commented Raegon as he paced through the room, "and, thanks to a lucky incident, now we had it! You see, while we were trapped here in the process of upgrading you, which is hard because improving scum is an impossible task… Your dearest had a tragic 'life support failure' and… passed away."oooThe world sank. A ringing in his ears drowned out all sound. A great ache gripped his heart and his throat clenched, Urgot was in a mix of despair and fury. From the cybernetic eye he had, a number started rising at a considerable speed. Raegon"Let me tell you a secret. It’s a really sad moment, but I'll proceed, as you cannot stop me; all the other officers were in front of her, they even sent me a live feed. Her eyes searched for you everywhere as she felt her heart stopping. So much sorrow in hers, even after she passed, we could still feel her presence in that liquid, the same that you’ve been infused with. Isn’t this a lovely reunion?! Truly my greatest work yet!" exclaimed Raegon, wiping a tear from his cheek, as a maddening smile from ear to ear finished forming on his face.

oooUrgot's rational thinking was gone. He was surrounded by a deafening silence that echoed with the laugh of Raegon. The heat on his chamber went so high that the chains holding him over the ground melted, dropping his body with thunderous magnitude. Now he understood, she came to him so when everything happened, a small bit of humanity would remember the man he used to"You… heartless… BASTARD. YOU PSYCHOPATH. IT WAS YOU THAT MADE MY UNIT FAIL," - roared Urgot, the rage brewing inside of"You NEVER followed our standard procedures nor cared about the business. Markus and Eliza desired to take you out of business too. You never cared about the investors either. The only thing that you followed was your will and the protection of that f…" Raegon was interrupted by the heat sensors of the room blaring and wailing and the minigun mounted on Urgot's arm firing at full“I am sorry, my love” Urgot thought to himself. “I’m not a human, but a monster; one that couldn’t protect you”.ooo"The glass is reinforced, you're wasting your ammo." shouted Raegon, preparing another electric shock, this time to the maximum.oooUrgot's body, now controlled completely by fury, went into an "overload mode". His eye detected a weakness on the wall, and so his body fired a highly explosive missile, leaving it heavily cracked. Then, using his mechanical legs, charged towards the wall with the same strength as an armored tank, creating a gaping hole and opening an exit to the hallways of the building. He rushed through them, firing an extremely hot laser barrage coming from his knees to anything that he found in his path; even his own men. From afar, a group of mercenaries prepared a barricade, but there was no use as his body acted on it’s own terms firing a gigantic drill shaped projectile towards them and impaling one of the mercenaries. Then a magnetic force began to pull the man towards the belly of Urgot, where a horrifying spinning augment of a thousand iron spikes destroyed his body, painting the walls and floor with the mercs' insides.oooOne mercenary recognized him, and tried to lower his gun, but there was no stopping, as one of his legs crushed the young man completely, leaving a trail of blood and absolute terror behind him. For what felt like an eon, Urgot headed towards the exit, killing, eviscerating and vaporizing anyone that came in his path until the way to safety was found. Then he retreated into the deepest parts of the city, looking like an avatar of terror due to the blood that covered him entirely. Even the drunkards that saw him ran in complete terror.oooNow, deep underground, his mind was still consumed by the bloodshed that his new body had caused. He was admired, because now he could use this to assert power, kill his enemies and make everyone fall in line. The sweet revenge would come first, and then the execution of every investor that gave them money. His thoughts were interrupted by a clear but weak sob. He looked everywhere, but there was no one close. The sob became stronger, until he realized that it was coming from… himself.oooUrgot then looked to his right, seeing a woman sitting on the floor, whose body was red and transparent. Something in his heart clicked, making him want to back away, when she started"Why… why didn't you listen to me," she said, completely drowned in tears "I was calling to you, hugging you with all my strength, but you didn’t stop."ooo"I…" Urgot wanted to answer, but he was interrupted by more uncontrollable"I was with you, and yet it wasn’t enough. What they did to you is horrible, but I don’t want to be the cause of you losing yourself," screamed the woman, looking at him with her face covered in tears.oooNo answer came out of Urgot, only tears made with a mixture of sadness and rage. His body showed him power, but one that he couldn’t control"I will… avenge you. I’ll gain control of this new body, I swear to you." said Urgot, still with tears from his one human eye running down his cheek "I hope you can forgive me, but they cannot be allowed to live any longer, not after what they did to you."ooo"And for what they made you do." she replied. "They manipulated you, my hatred for them burns as strongly as yours." she disappeared briefly and reanimated in front of him, caressing his left cheek - "I will be right here, in your eye, so WE can see together every day until the day we take revenge."oooNow, these long five years made him earn more power, an army, control over himself and an increased rage. It was time, as he and his army waited in the shadows for the best moment to strike. From the window, his eyes focused on the building that The Company still owned. The whole building was filled with heavily armed soldiers, ready to follow him. Some of them entered the room where he was, kneeling in his"After all these years… " said the woman's"Yes, the time has come, for vengeance." said Urgot, as he primed his heavy machine gun for the war that he was about to start.